
Run (v1.02) is a DOS equivalent of Win9X' START.EXE. It can run a program or document on the PATH, or an alias for a program not on the PATH. It can also show the location of a program on the PATH, or the program associated with a document.

RunCD (v1.03) will automatically open the tray, run the program, and open the tray again.

RS (v1.02) will restore the original screen contents once the program has finished (normal text modes only).

RT (v1.03) will time the running of a program. Three different timing methods are available.

SS (v1.01) will run a random program, preserving screen contents. It can also optionally put the hard drive in standby mode. It is intended as a non-resident DOS screen saver.

Run (50k, includes assembly source).

Jason Hood.
18 April, 2022.
