Example Console Dump

Directory of C:\Projects\condump\                     Volume label is undefined 
 15387 condump.c            7255 dump.html                                     
 13824 condump.exe          4844 example.html                                  
 12219 condump.o           30147 getopt.c                                      
 18120 condump.obj          6476 getopt.h                                      
   783 condump.rc           8316 getopt.obj                                    
   800 condump.RES           223 Makefile.mng                                  
 34694 condump100.zip        347 Makefile.vc                                   
   916 condumpv.o           4364 readme.txt                                    
 18332 COPYING.txt         25230 scr2htm11.zip                                 
  2465 dump.ans            12117 vcsadump-1.0.tar.gz                           
20 files total 216,859 bytes, using 258,048 bytes of disk space.                
Total disk space: 22,019,039,232 bytes; Free space: 1,302,331,392 bytes         
C:\Projects\condump>condump -h -s 0 -t "Example Console Dump" -o example.html